As an FCM student, we constantly face challenges when doing our assignments, especially when it comes to printing the A3s, A2s, 22 by 16 inches and what not. Then there’s the CD burning and mounting board cutting and pasting. So many tasks, so little time and sometimes, so little money!
Here’s a wish list of inventions that would be useful to an FCM:
Commercial A3 printer
Ok, so the A3 printer has already existed but not for commercial use! They are usually for industrial use and it does cost a lot for students to print paper per paper in shops. If there was an A3 sized printer available for commercial use with a size that is able to be fitted on a table top, I guess it would serve great use to FCM students, don’t you think? And it wouldn’t hurt that the printer came with an A3 sized scanner too!
Paper that is ready to stick on
Now this paper would save a lot of work of spray mounting/applying art gum for students. The idea is that these papers come in normal, matte or glossy finishes on 1 side and another sticky side (the stickiness would be like from a spray mount, not a sticker!) All students have to do is print on this type of paper, peel off the other side for the adhesive surface and stick it on the mounting board! Easy peasy! I think it would save the environment of those nasty aerosol spray cans (not to mention our noses and lungs) and prevent a whole lot of mess that comes from the pasting job! Be gone spray mount floor stains and rubber cement dusts!
An application that arranges images for you
Yupp, I’m talking about an application that arranges images for you like how one would simply drag a bunch of images into Mircrosoft Word to print them out for their assignment studies. (Well, that’s how I do it anyway :/ who’s got time to arrange them in Photoshop? ) The catch is that this application will arrange your images in a printer economical way. I realize that Microsoft word likes to space images very far apart. Let’s say you want to save paper and you adjust the border margins to fit as many images in 1 page as possible (minimizing white space that will eventually turn into trash anyway when you cut it out). Then you come across a horizontal format image that’s taking too much space, so you rotate it to make it in vertical format but the image is still taking up as much space as it previously did, and there is no way you can change it. -__- that is the problem with Word, it doesn’t allow you to arrange your images in an economical way and you end up using 3 papers to just print out 9 images. Argh!
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