Friday, April 8, 2011

Our friend/enemy: Procrastination

One day I woke up around 1pm after the annoying alarm rang 5 times. Then I went and got myself ready for the day and was deciding what to eat for lunch. Hmm...cereal? I had it for the past 2 days, I should save it for tomorrow where there's class in the morning. Ok, I'll go out to eat, but I will be losing 1 hour because that's the average time spent when eating out anyway. Ok then, I'll be back by 3pm. So I am back 2.55pm, ah some time to spare on Facebook! Click click click.....Ooo, a new video from a friend! *Clicks the link to Youtube* Recommended videos: bla bla bla.....OK, seems interesting! *Continues to click other random videos* Uh oh, it's about 4.30pm already.... I know I dont do work after 5pm and there's no point doing work for only 30 minutes and stop, so I guess I'll leave doing the work the next day lah! :)

It's a very very very common thing for students to procrastinate. It has grown in us this delaying habit since we were kids. I'm not quite sure how we developed this habit, even without external influences but it's just like trying to find out how a person becomes lazy or how a person learns how to get angry, it's just natural and causeless!

We always say we'd kick the habit of procrastination (or any bad habit) on big day occassions like New year or a birthday, but we always procrastinate the wish anyway. It's really becoming a bad habit so I actually searched for "How to overcome procrastination in college" in Google (which is pointless but I still try) And this is what

How To Overcome Procrastination In College

Tip 1 - Sort Out Your Play From Work

When you are in college you are at that point in your life when you are meeting new friends, partying and going out to have fun. I've seen many college kids out doing this and I know I have done it many times when I was in college but you have to separate your social life from your studies.

If you have a big assignment in for next week Monday and you haven't even started it yet the most sensible thing to do would be to go out during the weekdays and finish it last minute over the weekend right?
Wrong! If you have an assignment in for next week you need to sit yourself down, turn off your phone, the T.V and start writing it. Using this method you will find that when you finish your assignment you will still have some time to go out with your friends.
This is better than rushing the assignment on the weekend over night as well which can cause mistake and also make you sick.

If you have an assignment that doesn't have to be handed in for a while then still make a start on it. Choose specific days to work on it and
STICK TO THEM. The other days you are free to go out and if you think about it by completing your assignment early you have a lot more time to go out with your friends instead of rushing it a week before the deadline.

*Remark from me: I actually do turn everything (my web browser and messenger) when I need to concentrate on doing an assignment. I dont know if any right minded college student would even take the advice of starting on an assignment when it is due in a few weeks. Work ideas always come out of desperation I say! :) I have had submitted an assignment that was done 10 minutes before printing. The ones that I have been working on for hours were not as good as the one done last minute. So I guess brilliance strikes out of desperation and the last minute!*

Tip 2 - Treat Yourself

A really good motivator is to treat yourself when you do a bit of work. Motivation is a great way to be procrastination and I think this is a really good method especially for college kids.

If you procrastinate persuade yourself that you will go out and do something fun, buy yourself some chocolates or whatever you like when you finish your work. This will motivate yourself to complete the first bit of your work and by making yourself do this over and over again you can get a lot of work done.

There are a lot of things you can treat yourself to like:

- Going to a party
- New clothes
- Food
- Seeing some friends
- Going gym

You don't have to stop with small motivators. A method I used to do was that if I exercised for a month I would buy myself some running gear and workout gear. I put a picture up of the shoes I wanted and every-time I got de-motivated I looked at my tatty
running shoes and the picture and was motivated enough to run. What I'm trying to say is that you can reward yourself with something bigger when you complete the whole assignment not just a section. Try it out.

*Remark from me: Yupp, I guess rewarding yourself after you have done the WHOLE assignment is a good idea but isnt that what we usually do too when we are done with an assignment? Great minds need some rest! I think this is a habitual thing to do after doing major work but not a way to curb procrastination*

Tip 3 - Consequences

This tip ties into the previous tip I gave you.

Think of the consequences, what would happen if you didn't do work today and delayed it till later on in the evening or until tomorrow even?

If you delayed till the evening you may feel that you are too tired to work and not do your assignment which now means you are one day behind. The same for if you miss a day. You know have more work to do tomorrow or on the next day you planned to work. If you keep letting yourself do this you are just piling up your work and this will intefere with your social life and of course you will not get your treat as often.

Always think of your motivator and the consequences that will occur if you get demotivated. By thinking of the two you should feel more motivated to complete your work.

*Remark from me: Now this IS the ultimate way to curb procrastination, just the mere thought of the consequences of being behind schedule can get one going or at least start a little on their work. It works for me! However, if it was up to a laid back person, this method wouldnt be so effective.*

I think we can classify procrastination with addiction. It really takes will power to get your lazy bum off to starting work. I dont think there are any devices or counseling/tips good enough for people to completely curb procrastination. It's just good old fashion will power and knowing to learn from your mistakes when you have once experienced the consequences of procrastinating.

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