Thursday, May 12, 2011

Reflections from a song

Dont kid yourself
and don't fool yourself
this love's too good to last
and i'm too old to dream

Don't grow up too fast
and don't embrace the past
this life's too good to last
and i'm too young to care

Don't kid yourself
and don't fool yourself
this life could be the last
and we're too young to see

This is a song from the British alternative rock band, Muse. I am personally a big fan of theirs and this week I feel like talking about life in general since I am turning 1 year older soon. :) I find this song very meaningful for people who are reflecting upon their age and life. I have yet to find the meaning of the song but I will give my personal interpretation of it.

Stanza 1:

Dont kid yourself
and don't fool yourself
this love's too good to last
and i'm too old to dream

I take that the first 2 sentences calls for us to be realistic about life and not fool ourselves with the delusions that we wish we could have. When it comes to love, something that is forever lasting would be too good of a thing, just like a fairy tale where everything finishes with a happy ending. We should be over with this kind of childish fantasies/dreams of perfect love. Love is imperfect and we should have a mature mind towards relationships. We are just too old for fairy tales.

Stanza 2 and 3:

Don't grow up too fast
and don't embrace the past
this life's too good to last
and i'm too young to care

Don't kid yourself
and don't fool yourself
this life could be the last
and we're too young to see

This stanza calls for us to well, not grow up too fast! Enjoy the youth and happiness you have as a kid/adolescent. Have all the fun and learn things as you can before the heavy responsibilities of being an adult come to you. And when you have grown up into an adult, don’t feel regret and live in the shadow of your past. Whatever you have done/not done should not be stopping you from moving forward and learning from your mistakes. Don’t dwell in your past because life is short and we should live it to the fullest. We are too young to think about what will happen to us in the future, so live in the moment and don’t be too pessimistic about future outcomes that it hinders you in the present.

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