There are a lot of theories to ones course of life, there was a discussion between me and my friend about it. He states that if you could go back to the past and change the events that happened at that time, then you have altered the future.
For example, if a guy named Andy was driving on the road. Then an animal happened to cross the road and in order to avoid the animal, Andy turns the steering wheel too hard and the car swerves and falls off the road and into a lake next to it. Andy then drowns in it. If we followed my friend’s theory, if Andy had a way to go back to the events before his accident, he would have maybe taken a different road or drove slower at the part where he is going to encounter the animal or instead of turning the steering wheel, he hits on the brakes. If he had taken any of those actions, he would have saved himself from a tragic death.
However, I believe in a another theory. I believe that each person has a destiny, and they are destined to end in a way that is predestined to that person. In other words, if you could go back to the past and change events, you’re future will still be the same because it already is fixed, you only changed the course. If we follow my take, Andy could have done any of the precautions but he will ultimately face death. Let’s say he is already destined to die in the lake then he WILL die in the lake. At first he was destined to die in the lake through a car accident. If he had avoided the accident by taking any of the precautions, he may not die in the car accident, but he will eventually die in that lake in another destined way and time.
To put things into a story, Andy hits the brakes and did not hit the animal. He continues to drive away. On another day, he is driving on the same road again but it is raining heavily. He is driving too fast in the rain because he is in a hurry and somehow he hits an oncoming car and swerves into the lake and dies. This is how my theory would go, his end of dying in the lake is inevitable because it is his destiny.
People say we can work to change our destinies. I say we can work to change our paths to destiny. To go to Kedah from KL, there are many routes, you can take the bus, drive a car, fly by plane or even find a boat! We can choose/work to change our routes to Kedah, just like how we can choose our paths to destiny. It could be a straight forward 1 or it could be a long and fulfilling one. We cannot change the final destination but we can change the course.